Reports & Analysis

Hassan Dai, November 1, 2021
Since 2018, as rebel forces have been largely defeated and the military conflict has subsided, IRGC and Hezbollah have decreased their military presence. However, they have established numerous military bases and continue to have thousands of troops in strategic areas of the country.

Dr. Kazem Moussavi, March 2021
The ruling theocracy cannot be reformed in Iran through negotiations or deals as the Western powers could not deal with the German Nazis in the late 1930s. The ayatollahs perceive themselves as instruments of God in an apocalyptic war between good and evil. They anticipate the return of Mahdi, the hidden 12th Shiite Imam, who according to the regime’s constitution is the actual head of state, in which the current leaders occupy his seat until his imminent arrival.

Hassan Dai, January 2020
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his colleagues at Iranian mission in New York, played a key role in establishing and expanding Tehran’s web of influence in the U.S. The Implementation of sanctions on Zarif will restrict the regime’s ability to coordinate the activities of this network that exploits political divisions in the U.S, deceives public opinion and influences U.S. policies toward Iran.

Hassan Dai
Annual Quds Day rally, initiated by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, is used as a platform to escalate the hatred against Israel and portray the Iranian regime as the champion of the Palestinian cause and the leader of the Islamic world. Quds Day provides Iran with a formidable tool to recruit among Muslims worldwide and forge an alliance with left and anti-Israeli organizations in the West

Hassan Dai, April 2019
Iran has spent billions of dollars to get a foothold in Latin America, pursuing a multi-pronged strategy. In order to expand its influence, Iran has also established a network of Mosques and Islamic centers

Hassan Dai, March 2020
What is most disturbing about the regime-sponsored anti-Semitism in Iran is the fact that is it relentless, widespread, expanding and increasingly more shameless. The Regime tries to theorize, legitimize, and often, trivialize anti-Semitism in Iran.

Hassan Dai, October 2018
The Iranian regime has been trying to gradually take the control of this event and utilize it for its domestic and regional goals specifically to expand its influence in Iraq, and strengthen the Shia crescent, a necessary step in its quest to dominate the Middle East.

A short video documentary about the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran

Hassan Dai and Kazem Moussavi, June 2018
Iranian regime runs a large number of Islamic centers and Mosques in Europe that disseminate its fundamentalist ideology and generate grassroots support for its radical foreign policy. These centers provide Iran with a recruiting pool for the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force or other Iranian Institutions responsible for terrorism or military activities abroad.

Business consultant Dawood Nazirizadeh, a board member of “Islamic community of Shiites in Germany” (IGS), an organization controlled by the Iranian regime has filed a defamation lawsuit against Iranian dissident Kazem Mousavi to intimidate and silence him. Nazirizadeh’s attorney is notorious Michael Hubertus von Sprenger, a past attorney for Turkish dictator Erdogan and a long list of right-wing extremists and Holocaust deniers.

Hassan Dai, 4 December 2017
More than 200 radio and satellite TV stations, together with tens of newspapers and hundreds of websites constitute Iran’s media empire across the Islamic world, predominantly in the Middle Eastern countries. A large number of these media outlets are affiliated with Iran’s proxies and are under the direct control of Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force. This propaganda machine promotes the Iranian regime’s fundamentalist ideology and plays a pivotal role in Iran’s multi-pronged strategy to dominate the region.

First published in the
Hassan Dai, September 2017
The Iranian regime uses its relation with Western businesses and especially the oil giants as a leverage to shape European and American policies toward Iran. As Iran continues to pursue its hegemonic policy in the Middle East and uses its proxy militias to dominate the region, it will use these business dealings to shield itself from future sanctions and harsher Western policies toward Iran.

Hassan Dai, 8 August 2017
The 13th Annual “Muslim Congress” will be held in Dallas, TX on Aug 18-20th. This is an Iranian sponsored initiative launched in 2005 to disseminate the regime’s ideology, promote its agenda and recruit pro-Tehran supporters within the American Muslim community. There are nearly a dozen Islamic centers and mosques in the US that are tied to the Iranian regime and the “Muslim Congress” is a national event designed to gather pro-Tehran Muslim from across the US.

Hassan Dai, 28 July 2017
The fake public opinion poll presented at the Atlantic Council reflects the regime’s talking points and is designed to provide necessary materials for pro-Tehran advocates in Washington to oppose the Congressional sanctions and the new administration’s tough policy toward Tehran.

Hassan Dai, 1 July 2017
First published by Tablet
Since its creation in 2002, NIAC has dedicated most of its activities and resources to ease the pressure off the Iranian regime and help Tehran to advance its strategic goals.

Hassan Dai, April 17, 2017
First published in The Hill
A number of current and former diplomats and foreign policy advisors with experience in dealing with the US are asking the government to exploit anti-Trump sentiments and utilize political divisions in Washington. These recommendations are inspired by Iran’s past successful experiences, notably during the Bush administration when Tehran established good relations with politicians who opposed Bush policies and was able to work with segments of the anti-war movement to influence public opinion and shape US policy toward Tehran.

Hassan Dai, March 2017, The Hill
Trump administration has sent some signals that could be interpreted as the continuation of President Obama’s conciliatory approach toward Iran… Trump cannot say it is going to be tougher on Iran and at the same time join with the Russians in Syria. The two are mutually exclusive… If Trump ignores Tehran’s quest for domination in the Middle East, he will take the United States to where Obama was headed—just more quickly.”

Hassan Dai, February 2017, The Hill
The call to engage Iran and empower the so-called “moderates” is one of the most persistent policy positions in Washington and will get louder in coming weeks as we approach the Iranian Presidential “elections”

Hassan Dai, February 10, 2017
Iranian political and military leadership has repeatedly declared that the Revolutionary Guard’s primary mission is to fight against domestic threats as the regime considers popular uprisings as the most fundamental threat to its survival

Hassan Dai, 19 January 2017
Iran’s support to Taliban aims to weaken US military presence in Afghanistan, eventually forcing its withdrawal. Iran is also using Taliban as a counter balance to the presence of ISIS in the country. But Iran has a broader goal to secure its zone of influence in Farsi speaking and Shiite regions of Afghanistan. In this context, the Revolutionary Guards’ Afghan units like Fatemiyoun that has gained enormous battlefield experience in Syria, could be used as an important leverage in a civil war torn Afghanistan and help Iran to add part of Afghanistan to its “Shi’ite crescent” stretching to the Mediterranean Sea.

Hassan Dai, January 10, 2017
It is largely expected that Trump administration will diminish the influence of pro-Iran lobby and cut its tentacles in the State Department, but a misguided policy in the Middle East that benefits Tehran could eventually help this lobby to thrive in Washington once again.

Hassan Dai, January 9, 2017
Rafsanjani died fall short of his goal to alter Iranian foreign policy, a change that he believed to be necessary for the regime’s survival. His death could significantly impact the regime’s internal balance of power and strengthen the Supreme Leader and the Revolutionary Guards’ position to advance their regional policies that have so far fueled violence and sectarian conflicts across the Middle East.

Hassan Dai, November 17, 2016
As Arbaeen continues to grow as the most important religious ceremony in the world and a show of force for the Shia community, the Iranian regime has been trying to gradually take the control of this event and utilizing it for its domestic and regional goals, specifically to solidify its influence in Iraq and dominate the Shia world.

Hassan Dai, 11 November 2016
Pro-Iran lobby is a coalition of organizations and politicians, led by US corporations and accompanied by an army of pundits and Iran experts that regardless of what Iran is doing, asks the US government to adopt a friendlier policy with Iran and remove sanctions. At the center of this lobby are small Iranian-American organizations that are tied to various factions of the Iranian regime.

Hassan Dai, November 8, 2016
For months prior to the offensive, Iran and its Iraqi proxies pressured the Iraqi government to accept the militias’ role in the Mosul offensive, a move that could give them a share of victory and provide them with a pretext to justify their activities long after the defeat of ISIS. This would secure Iran’s influence in Iraq that predominantly relies on these militias, a prospect that many believe to be the Hezbollah-ization of Iraq.

Hassan Dai, March 30, 2017
There are a number of Islamic organizations in the US that are tied to the Iranian regime, disseminate its ideology and attempt to generate support for its political agenda. The vast majority of American Muslims follow a moderate Islam and reject extremist views including the Iranian regime’s ideology. Subsequently, Iran’s influence is limited to a very slim portion of US Muslims, predominantly in the Shia community.

Hassan Dai, September 6, 2016
Iranian regime has been carrying out a large-scale public campaign to justify its military intervention in Syria and reinvigorate the regime’s ideological base that seems shaken by the Syrian quagmire. This campaign specifically targets Afghan immigrants who provide the majority of recruits for the “Fatemiyoun” Division, the Afghan unit of Iran’s Quds Force fighting in Syria. This campaign seems crucial for the Iranian regime as it is bogged down in Syria and in desperate need of more fighters for its war machine.

Hassan Dai, September 1, 2016
In late 2014, the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force recruited a group of 50 Pakistani Shiites and formed the Zeynabiyoun brigade. The unit is currently estimated to have 1500 to 2000 fighters in Syria.

Hassan Dai*, August 8, 2016
The battle of Aleppo showed the failure of Iranian military surge in Syria since 2015 to reach a decisive victory and proves how deeply Iran is bogged down in the Syrian quagmire.

Hassan Dai, April 2016
Al Mustafa is an international university funded and controlled by the Iranian regime to train foreign clerics, Shia scholars and missionaries. It was founded in 2007 and operates nearly 200 seminaries, Islamic schools, religious centers and associations in Iran and around the world. Al Mustafa has 45.000 students, half of them in Iran. 40.000 have graduated from Al Mustafa since 2007
Iran News Digest
When Trita Parsi and NIAC lie
Hassan Dai, June 29, 2150
Poltico has posted a PR article promoting NIAC lobby and claims that NIAC has 5000 members. Court documents show that NIAC had a few hundred members but Parsi knowingly and repeatedly lied about these numbers. In his private meetings with US officials he claimed 10,000 NIAC members while in public statements claimed anywhere between 4,000 and 5,000 members

Hassan Dai, Fabruary 2020
Following the January 2019 meeting in Tehran between Iranian officials and Taliban delegation, it is important to view this short video report and understand Iran’s multi-faceted strategy in Afghanistan. This strategy is designed to expand Iran’s influence, force US military to leave and to obtain a territorial foothold in Afghanistan. To attain this goal, Iran is counting on its vast network of Shiite seminaries and schools, while also providing military support to the Taliban. Iran is also strengthening Fatemiyoun Division, its own Afghan proxy militia, comprised of nearly 15000 members who are currently deployed to Syria to defend Bashar Assad regime.

On October 16, the US Treasury announced sanctions against the vast financial network supporting Bassij organization, the Iranian paramilitary that recruits and trains child soldiers. Watch a short documentary about the subject
List of large companies that intend or have decided to leave Iranian market following US withdrawal from nuclear deal
List of companies that intend or have decided to withdraw from the Iranian market as of May 31st 2018

Reuters, March 20, 2018, by Nate Raymond
An Iranian who chairs a Maltese bank has been arrested on U.S. charges that he participated in a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions and funnel more than $115 million paid under a Venezuelan construction contract through the U.S. financial system, federal prosecutors said on Tuesday.
Tabriz, January 5
Tabriz, January 5
— Hassan Dai (@IranianForum) January 5, 2018
City of Dezful, Jan/3/18
City of Dezful, Jan/3/18#IranProtests
— Green Party of Iran (@iran_e_sabz) January 3, 2018

Too often the discourse that emerges from media coverage of Iran co-opts the struggle of ordinary people in order to reinforce a specific narrative. But to really understand what is happening in Iran, you only need to listen directly to the voices of the Iranian people.

Joughabad, a small town near Isfahan, January 3 #IranProtests
Joughabad, a small town near Isfahan, January 3 #IranProtests
— Hassan Dai (@IranianForum) January 3, 2018

Kyle Orton, Al Ahval 18 December 2017
The entire for the east of Syria was a mirage. Not only was the Iranian land grab as the caliphate recedes not halted, but the United States invited the Iranian-led ground forces that keep the regime alive to take over these areas if they could

Bloomberg, June 29, 2017
By Greg Farrell and Christian Berthelsen
Federal prosecutors won a major victory in their nine-year effort to seize a midtown Manhattan office tower owned by an Iranian charity. The decision clears way to seize building at 650 Fifth Avenue. Justice Department plans to give proceeds to terror victims.

Hamid yazdan Panah
Despite the shameful stance of the regime in Tehran, there are those inside Iran who have the dignity and courage to speak the truth, even in the face of danger

Iranian American Forum, October 24, 2016
As the slaughter of Syrian people by the Assad regime and its foreign enablers, Russia and Iran continues to escalate sectarian tensions and ignite condemnation and indignation around the world, Russian and Iran organized a three day propaganda conference on October 18-20 in Moscow calling for the “unity of Muslims” to fight violence and terrorism.

Hamid Yazdan Panah, Global Voice, 10 August 2016
Iran is a hot commodity. Whether it is being sold as a misunderstood land of mystery, or eyed as a potential business or investment opportunity, it is difficult to find a narrative which does not reduce the country to a means to a particular end. Historically, this included the vilification of Iran as an anti-western wasteland, divorced from historical context, geopolitical significance and diversity.

Majid Mollanoroozi, Director of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and Visual Arts Director at the Iranian “Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance” gave out the awards to the winners. The German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier chose Mollanoroozi to be a partner of a cultural project of the German government,

Iranian Amercian Forum, March 22, 2016
On March 21, one of Iran’s main proxy militias in Iraq called “Asaib Ahl al-Haq” has warned that it would treat U.S. Marines deployed in Iraq to fight Islamic State as forces of occupation. According to Fars news agency, affiliated with Iranian revolutionary guards, Asaib and another militia have vowed to fight against US troops

Iranian American Forum, March 16, 2016
The funerals of foreign fighters of Iran Quds Force killed in Syria and buried in the city of Qom shows the multinational aspect of Quds Force that operates numerous proxy militias across the Middle East. It also shows the extent of Iranian military intervention in Syria

Iranian American Forum, March 2, 2016
On February 17, 2016 the Iranian regime organized a ceremony in Tehran to commemorate the eighth anniversary of Hezbollah’s chief military commander, Imad Mughniyah’s death. Among the speakers and participants of event were the Supreme Leader’s representative, high ranking commanders of Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah commanders and two internationally known convicted terrorists, Anis Nakash and Kazem Darabi who had worked under Mughniyah’s command.

Iranian American Forum, February 29, 2016
The “reformists and moderates” have won largely in Tehran in both elections but overall in the country, they get about %37 of seats in Parliament and %22 in Assembly of Experts. However, following the preliminary disqualification of reformist candidates by the Council of Guardians in January, the “reformists” filled their electoral lists with new candidates, many of them well-known conservatives, some with blatant anti-reform positions. Therefore, the real percentage of “reformists” elected to new parliament is lower than the 37 percent

Hamid Yazdan Panah, February 13, 2016
As the world applauds the release of prisoners by Iran, political dissidents within the country continue to suffer unjust persecution, repression and death. The truth surrounding their charges, arrests and the breadth of their continued struggle continues to be lost in the mainstream narrative on Iran.

Iranian American Forum, Jan. 12, 2016
As the Iranian economy continues to plummet under the weight of the sanctions, with declining oil prices and an ever deepening recession, Iranian Minister of Health traveled to Syria and Lebanon to assure both countries that Iran will continue to supply medicine and medical equipment, build two medical schools and train their medical staff in Iran
By Hamid Yazdan Panah, November 27, 2015
Refugees from Iran are being denied passage to western Europe, as new policies unfairly target refugees from specific countries.

Hamid Yazdan Panah, Nov. 19, 2015
Golipour, who is currently incarcerated in Evin prison, was arrested based on charges of aiding dissidents and protesters following the 2009 protests in Iran. Golipour was arrested initially 2012, but has yet to receive a formal sentence in regards to his alleged charges.
Hassan Nasrallah: Iranian leaders sacrifice national interests for the sake of Islamic nation
Hassan Nasrallah the leader of Hezbollah addressed thousands of followers in Beirut on the occasion of Shiite ceremony Ashura. Hassan Nasrallah the leader of Hezbollah addressed thousands of followers in Beirut on the occasion of Shiite ceremony Ashura. Iranian state Press TV aired the ceremony. Nasrallah criticized the Lebanese political coalition that opposes Hezbollah bullying…
Steinmeir fails in Tehran, Zarif attacks Saudis
Today, in a press conference in Tehran, Zarif attacks Saudi Arabia as Frank-Walter Steinmeir tries to mediate between two countries. Analysts see Steinmeir’s travel to Iran a failure.

Hassan Dai, Sep. 21, 2015
Bijan Khajehpour, NIAC’s lobby partner and Trita Parsi’s former boss will participate in oil and Money conference in London to share the podium with an Iranian official from oil ministry and assist him in promoting business opportunities in Iran. Khajehpour and NIAC have been collaborating to oppose sanctions and urge US administration to be more flexible in nuclear talks

Hamid Yazdan Panah, Sep. 15, 2015
Khamenei uses the business front known as “Setad” to extend his influence into every corner of the Iranian economy, including: “finance, oil, telecommunications, the production of birth-control pills and even ostrich farming.”

Hamid Yazdan Panah, Aug. 12, 2015
The recent Iran deal has brought much fanfare and celebration, most of which conveniently overlooks the fundamental nature of the Iranian regime. Putting aside the details of the agreement, one claim in particular has consistently been made about the nuclear deal which simply holds no weight. The claim is that the nuclear deal will somehow improve human rights in Iran, and lead to an improvement in Iranian civil society.